All is well over here in Spain. Today is Halloween and I am excited to go to the house of a Rotex and watch films with other inbounds. This month I went to Spanish National Day, October 12th joined the gym near my house, got closer with the people in my class., went shopping too much in Madrid hahaha, and overall I'm having a great experience. My tutor is wonderful, very helpful. My YEO is great, I have not needed her for anything yet thankfully. Lastly, my host family is wonderful I love them so much.

School is going well, I'm passed the exams in Economy, Philosophy, English, History, and Lengua (Spanish language). Unfortunately despite all my efforts I could not save my grade in math I got a 0.75/10 I honestly don't know what happened so I'm just going to shake it off and try again next time.

I haven't felt much homesickness only the slightest bit three days ago when I got food poisoning and threw up about ten times but I'm good now. I still don't know who my second host family is going to be, unfortunately. That's about it I think. I hope all is well in Iowa.